What are manual and thermostatic valve differences?
Manual and thermostatic valve differences are nothing to worry about, but can change your routine at home. Who knows what temperature it will be tomorrow? With the fluctuating weather that we are now seeing and really, the lack of defined seasons, there has never been a better time to fit thermostatic radiator valves. [caption id="" align="alignleft" width="150"] A standard thermostatic radiator valve.[/caption] Why do we need thermostatic radiator valves and what are they? All radiators need to have a valve to be able to turn off the water going into it and in simple terms all a thermostatic valve does is sense the temperature in the room and open or close depending. How is this different to a manual valve? Well manual valves are once again what they are described as, you have to turn them up or down depending whether you want to shut off the radiator or make it hotter. [caption id="" align="alignright" width="150"] A manual radiator valve[/caption] The difference between a manual radiator valve and a thermostatic one is really quite simple but what is interesting is the difference it can make with your heating bills. In the previous paragraph we talked about the changing, undefined seasons that we really now experience in the UK. This causes problems for your heating system and you could be overheating your rooms. There is also the fact that why would you want to be constantly turning the valves up and down and trying to get the correct room temperature with a manual valve. A thermostatic valve or TRV as it is often called will shut off the radiator if the temperature has been reached for the room, whereas a manual valve will only close if you physically go and turn it off. Basically a manual valve is either on or off and there is no much in-between. There is limited control over the radiator and room heat and once the room is hot enough it will not shut off. The idea for a TRV is simple and often pretty much disregarded as the prices are relatively low. It is a really good invention and easy to use and fairly simple to fit. It has also developed into a really stylish accessory to a radiator and if anything rather being functional it has become an intrinsic part of the décor in a room when a new radiator has been fitted. Manual valves have not missed out on this makeover and really now also reflect the TRV’s appearance when bought in a twin pack or set. You always need a trv and a manual valve on a radiator as all radiators now have a flow and return or in and out. [caption id="" align="alignleft" width="150"] A Premium twin pack of valves.[/caption] To surmise manual and thermostatic valve differences, you actually need both to allow the radiator to work efficiently and heat the room to the right temperature. You can buy matching sets including a TRV and a Manual valve, often called a Radiator valve twin pack. With the fluctuating and un-predictable climate a TRV is essential to make sure that you are not heating a room when it is not required.It is a simple cost effective product that is an amazing invention and should have more plaudits than it does.
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